On 2 May 2017 the Leeds Rental Standard came into effect across the city. It's aim, to provide a minimum standard for private rented accommodation by incorporating the following accreditation schemes under one certification badge:
- Unipol Student Homes
- Unipol ANUK National Code
- Residential Landlords' Association (RLA)
- National Landlords' Association (NLA)
- Leeds Landlords' Accreditation Scheme (LLAS)
Why is it needed?
With increasing emphasis being placed on the Private Rented Sector (PRS) to deliver the nation's housing targets, and until recently a lack of regulation of the housing market since the Housing Act 1988, the Leeds Rental Standard, with the support of Leeds City Council, was created to bring a cohesive approach towards the improvement of property standards within rented accommodation across the city.
Additionally, the creation of a self-regulatory body to log, manage, and resolve any tenant complaints without Council involvement, allows the local authority to concentrate their regulatory resources on those that show no sign of meeting housing standards voluntarily.
What are the benefits?
For Landlords
Being a member of The Leeds Rental Standard has the following benefits for accredited owners:
- A discount on licensing schemes if the Leeds Rental Standard membership is maintained throughout the licence period.
- It allows landlords to be self-regulating and have the opportunity to resolve any tenant complaints through the scheme without Council involvement
- It gives access to Council Housing Officers (EHOs) for advice and guidance.
- It provides marketing benefits such as being able to advertise properties in 'Leeds Homes'.
- No tipping charges. All tenant generated waste can be disposed of at certain city refuse sites free of charge.
- Business Parking Permits. Membership allows landlords to receive permits for residential parking zones across the city.
It's aim, to provide a minimum standard for private rented accommodation by incorporating the following accreditation schemes under one certification badge.
For tenants
Renting with a Leeds Rental Standard landlord offers the following benefits:
- It shows the landlord has achieved a minimum benchmark for quality and service in their properties. It therefore identifies good landlords to prospective tenants.
- It gives prospective tenants confidence that the property they are thinking of renting is of a good standard and is properly managed and regulated.
- It gives general consumer protection as all tenants and members have a right to access the complaints and independent tribunal system if serious disputes cannot be informally resolved.
- It provides a robust complaints system which can provide the tenant with a resolution to their housing problems without having to resort to statutory methods for dispute.